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Alphashot Micro v2 vs. Alphashot Micro Pro v2 - know the difference

Let’s be honest. We all love comparing stuff. If you’re buying something and have a few options, you just have to compare it, right? Or even better, if there’s a launch of a new product, you obviously have to know what’s the fuss all about and WHY this new version is better. 

AS Micro vs AS Micro ProAS Micro vs AS Micro Pro

With the launch of Alphashot Micro Pro v2, here’s a little comparison of it to its older version -  Alphashot Micro v2, and something about the new product itself.

What’s Alphashot Micro Pro v2?

Alphashot Micro Pro v2 is basically a refreshed version of the Alphashot Micro v2 with a boost of LED doors and an additional spot lamp that makes lighting products substantially better, faster, and easier (but more about it in a second).

It’s a compact solution for professionals and those just starting their journey with photography to capture still and 360° images and videos of jewelry, gemstones, watches, and other small, glossy items.

Thanks to tightly integrated hardware, software, and camera control, the digital content creation process is much smoother, while you can benefit from high image quality and consistency.
The previous version, Alphashot Micro v2, was launched with several new features and was already prepared for more upgrades, including those for the Pro version, like the Backlit LED doors.


Rediscover the shine

With Micro Pro v2, no product is too glossy, and the workflow is as enjoyable as ever. Why? Because we packed it up with as many useful accessories and features as possible. All of it to improve user experience, boost precision, and increase productivity. 

With Alphashot Micro Pro v2, you can:

  • Shape the product with light and show the many dimensions of the product with the Backlit LED doors accessory.
  • Make the products sparkle and control the sharpness of the reflection with two Spot lamps v2.
  • Keep the whole product in focus no matter what aperture value is set with the Superfocus feature.
  • Get background-free stills, 360 spins thanks to the IQ Mask technology, and a pure white background on videos.
  • Show off your products with interchangeable black, acrylic, and glass tables.

And more! Check out our product page to learn what you can achieve with Alphashot Micro Pro v2.


It’s the same but better

Jewelry photography is about precision and good lighting. Alphashot Micro Pro v2 has both, and that’s why it’s the ultimate device for capturing shiny products. It helps expose the intricate details of the products, brings out their natural shine without unwanted reflections, lets you create versatile content, and makes the whole workflow not so tiring. 

Backlit LED doors, now a standard accessory of Alphashot Micro Pro v2, are making it easier to expose product details of hard-to-capture products like jewelry pieces, watches, or gems. This seemingly small change we’ve made makes a huge difference in how the visual content turns out in the end. 

Alphashot Micro v2 vs. Alphashot Micro Pro v2See the difference in photos done with and without the Backlit LED doors

Here’s what Monika Zielenska, Product Manager at Orbitvu, has to say about it:

“Alphashot Micro Pro v2 is a new, refreshed version of the device you know so well. We’ve decided to take jewelry and small object photography to the next level by adding the Backlit LED doors to the Pro version. This has given us two additional large light sources that improve and completely change the visual effects we can achieve when photographing with the device. See for yourself what you can do with Alphashot Micro Pro v2.”


The evolving tech landscape

So, what does it mean for macro photography? Since it’s such a challenging field, the launch of a refreshed version of Alphashot Micro v2 has many positive implications. For example, image quality is getting more precise, with sharper details and better color accuracy.

Another benefit is the increased accessibility of in-house macro studios so that even those who have so far outsourced photography to an external company can do it themselves. This gives the users not only more freedom and flexibility in the way the content production is done. It may also result in a way that more photographers, both amateur and professional, might be inspired to explore the world of macro photography and get more creative. 

Want to see the device in action? Book a call with our specialist, and let us show you how good your products can look thanks to automation.

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