10 min

The Power of Video Marketing in E-commerce: Boosting Sales with Compelling Visual Content

When shopping online, customers go through a kind of reality-expectation dilemma: Does the product look as good in reality as in the picture? Am I buying the right thing? What does it look like up close? These are just some of the questions of a potential customer visiting your e-commerce website, not to mention the pace at which they are shopping - fast. 

So, in the bustling world of e-commerce, where the battle for consumers’ attention is fiercer than ever, video marketing emerges as a shining knight for brands looking to carve out their niche. Imagine transforming your online store into a vibrant stage where products don’t just sit quietly on digital shelves but leap into action, telling their stories, showcasing their benefits, and engaging customers in a new way. This isn’t just about selling more products; it’s about creating an experience that customers love, talk about, and come back for.

This article is your guide to unlocking this potential. Tailored for e-commerce owners who want to increase their sales and forge lasting customer loyalty and for marketing managers on a quest to elevate brand visibility, make their mark against competitors, and master the art of doing more with less in content creation.

Let’s explore a world where compelling visual content is not just seen—it’s felt, remembered, and shared.

The impact of video marketing on the e-commerce industry

Diving into the vibrant world of e-commerce, it’s clear that video marketing has not just entered the chat but has taken the main stage, transforming how brands connect with their audience. This dynamic duo of e-commerce and video content is rewriting the rules of engagement, proving to be a match made in digital heaven.
Why, you ask? Well, for starters, video can increase brand awareness and recognition by 95%, which is extremely important in this ever-competitive e-commerce world. Not to mention, 96% of shoppers find videos helpful when making purchase decisions online. And that’s because, with video, customers can see how the product acts in motion, take a look at the fabric’s softness or thickness, and more.

This isn’t just about dazzling visuals or catchy jingles; it’s about creating memorable experiences that drive sales, build brand loyalty, and forge a deeper connection between consumers and products.

Why is video marketing important in e-commerce?

Since we’re on the topic of the benefits of video marketing, let’s discuss it a little more. Why is e-commerce video marketing so powerful?

Boosting Sales through Engagement

How to convert viewers into buyers? That’s the question of every store owner. No matter if you have a brick-and-mortar retail or e-commerce business, there’s always the question of improving the sales factor and how to do it well. That’s where product videos come to shine - they are detail-oriented and show the item as it is, with top features highlighted. Video marketing is a great example of how to turn prospective buyers into customers and, as a result, increase the conversion rate by 86%.

Using testimonial videos, you can establish social proof, boost your credibility, and place your product at the center of potential client’s needs. That’s the dream, right?

Building a Loyal Customer Base

Loyal customers are the dream of every existing e-commerce business. Not only because they return to the store but also because they selflessly promote your products; talk about better word-of-mouth marketing!
Creating videos is one of the best ways to reach your target audience. Video ads, demo videos, explainer videos, testimonials - these and many other video types are great for engaging your customers and educating them about your product. So, it not only enhances the customer experience by providing sufficient information about the items but also encourages them to take action.

Reducing Returns

Use product videos to provide clear and comprehensive information about what you’re selling. The more info you give, the higher the chance of minimizing misunderstandings and returns. 

And, the truth is videos are perfect for that. They are a breather from lengthy descriptions but give potential customers the details they need to make informed buying decisions. 

Learn how to reduce the number of e-commerce returns in 11 easy steps from our article.

Types of video content for e-commerce

Here’s a quick tour through the types of videos that are helping brands connect with their customers and stand out from the crowd. 

Product videos

These are the “show and tell” of the e-commerce world. Product demo videos take viewers on a guided tour of a product’s features and benefits, demonstrating how it works in real life. It’s like having a personal shopper, but it’s better because you can hit replay.


Nothing builds trust like seeing real people rave about their genuine experiences. Testimonial videos feature happy customers sharing their stories, providing a powerful form of social proof that can sway potential buyers. It’s the digital equivalent of a word-of-mouth recommendation.

User-generated content

There are 3 reasons why user-generated content should be important for you. It’s authentic, it’s relatable, and it packs a punch in terms of credibility and engagement.

User-generated videos are essentially the digital equivalent of showing off a new gadget to friends at a dinner party but on a much larger scale. These videos can range from unboxing experiences, where customers share their excitement and first impressions, to detailed reviews, tutorials, or creative showcases of a product in action. 

For e-commerce brands, leveraging UGVs is like tapping into a goldmine of trust and social proof. When potential customers see real people—not actors or influencers—genuinely loving a product, it lowers barriers and fosters trust. Plus, UGVs provide invaluable insights into how customers use and perceive your products, which can inform future marketing strategies, product development, and customer service improvements.

How-to videos

Ever stumbled upon a product and thought, “What does this do?” Explainer videos to the rescue! These videos are succinct, often animated, and designed to explain complex products or concepts in simple, engaging terms. It’s like that friend who can explain rocket science in a way that actually makes sense. According to Wyzowl, 91% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. That’s the power of videos; right there!

Behind-the-scenes videos

Curious about what goes on behind the curtain? Behind-the-scenes videos offer a peek into the making of a product, the culture of a company, or the process behind a service. Thanks to that, you get to establish a personal connection by telling your story. It’s like being invited backstage after a show, minus the backstage pass.

And remember, when deciding which types of videos to create, consider the entire customer journey. I know it’s tempting to go right to the product page, which is usually near the end of the buying process. But while product videos are certainly essential, don’t neglect the other stages of the customer journey and conversion funnel.

E-commerce video marketing - how to do it right

While the goal for e-commerce business owners is to boost sales, marketing managers are more focused on increasing brand awareness and creating versatile content that sells. Regardless of your purpose, there are a few steps you should incorporate into your e-commerce marketing strategy to ensure your videos perform successfully. 

Let’s go through the steps!

Step 1: Define your target audience

No surprise here, I suppose. But hey, once you do it right, there are many ways you can use it, no matter if we’re talking about paid advertising or organic.

Once you know them, you also know which social media platforms to hit to get the most in return/action.

Also, use clear branding and context so that you can share the video through different marketing channels such as paid advertising, emails, social media, or your website.

Step 2: Outline your goals

With everything you do, you always have to have a goal. What do you want to achieve with these videos? What are the KPIs? They will give you tangible objectives to look forward to.

Your goals can go from raising brand awareness to increasing conversion rates and educating customers about your products.

Step 3: Pick the platform

There are plenty of platforms to choose from, and this choice will impact the success of your video marketing. So, do the research to find out where your audience spends the most time, and go from there. To increase your videos’ reach and engagement, you can share them on your website and several other platforms.

And consider the format. Long or short? But let me tell you this - our attention span is getting shorter than ever. So, to keep your audience interested, choose shorter videos and turn them into a series! This will surely be much more appealing for your ever-busy customers. Also, adjust the format for mobile devices. Modern technology customers spend most of their time scrolling through vast amounts of content on their smartphones, so ensure you meet their needs and adjust accordingly. 

TIP: Remember that platforms might need various dimensions to optimize your videos for mobile devices. And don’t forget about the captions!

Step 4: Include a clear Call To Action

No matter how good you make the product video for your e-commerce store, you can’t forget about CTA, which will actually convert your customers. It’s a must-have video marketing practice because it guides your audiences on what to do next. Ensure your CTA is clear, concise, and short.

Step 5: Measure, analyze, and adjust

Lastly, measure, analyze, and pivot. That’s the jam to making the most of video marketing for your online business. You can always do better. By identifying the key metrics and KPIs, you can easily see if your campaign is successful and catch the gaps that need improvement.

Video marketing - what’s next?

Product video format is here to stay, that’s for sure. One of the hottest trends is the rise of shoppable videos, transforming passive viewing into an interactive shopping spree with just a click. Meanwhile, augmented reality (AR) videos are enchanting shoppers by allowing them to visualize products in their own space before making a purchase, adding a whole new dimension to online shopping. 

Personalization also takes center stage, with videos tailored to individual preferences and behaviors, making every viewing experience feel like it was crafted just for you. And let’s not forget the rising popularity of live streaming, where real-time product showcases and Q&A sessions create an engaging and transparent platform for brands and consumers to connect.

As we look ahead, these trends in e-commerce video marketing are not just shaping the future of online shopping; they’re turning it into an immersive, interactive, and incredibly personalized journey.

Start creating video content with Orbitvu

Our solutions are made to simplify the content creation process so that you can effortlessly create videos, 360° spins, and still photos for your e-commerce business. No more running around the products with the camera. With turntables, you set the products in motion, making the process of creating engaging content easier.

Thanks to our intuitive software and hardware, as well as various partnerships with technology leaders like Canon, you have world-class quality visuals. There’s a single workflow in which you create the content, edit it, and export it to multiple pre-defined locations. Customized templates and automatic post-production allow you to easily produce consistent, quality visuals.

Our offer of automated devices includes studios dedicated, among others, to fashion, jewelry, car parts, electronics, and furniture sets, so we cater to the needs of every industry. This way, everyone can produce engaging video content that accurately represents the products.

All in all

Videos are great for promoting e-commerce products, increasing sales, and overall boosting the recognizability of your brand. And there's no better time to start than now. 91% of businesses already use video as a marketing tool. Embrace the trends, harness the power of storytelling, and let your products shine in the digital spotlight. 

And remember, the investment in video marketing goes beyond just views and clicks; it's about building lasting connections and driving meaningful growth for your brand. So, take that first step today, explore the possibilities that good product video holds, and watch as your e-commerce venture reaches new heights of success. The future is bright, and it's waiting for you to press play.