Leverage your business with automated product photography

Simplify the creation of product content, lower expenses, and enjoy the diverse benefits of Orbitvu's automated product photography devices

automated product photographyautomated product photography
& morecompanies

Thousands of companies around the world rely on Orbitvu solutions daily


Our customers have benefitted from 100s of millions of quality images and spins

of thousandshours saved

Countless hours saved on producing and editing content with Orbitvu automation

Capitalize on our proprietary product photography software/hardware integration

micro automated product photography

Product photography made easy


Hassle out, convenience in. Orbitvu’s automation handles the mundane production tasks while offering the operator added convenience.

For example, Orbitvu’s turntable rotates your product, while several cameras shoot it simultaneously. The best part - the operator captures, processes and edits, and finally publishes the content from one workstation.

automated product photography software

Consistency that strengthens branding


Boost your brand recognition by recreating the same look & feel in every image, regardless of the product. Orbitvu’s software works seamlessly with the motorized turntable, automated stand, digital cameras, and LED lighting, which means you can store and repeat any camera and lighting setup, product position, and post-production options to precisely recreate every shot. 

automated product photography studios

Orbitvu adapts and grows with your business


Whatever specific product photography needs you may have, there is an Orbitvu solution for it. And when it’s time to scale up content production, our template-based workflow makes it extremely easy. If you grow, simply get another machine, copy and paste the templates, and you are ready to go. 

Streamline your
product photography
with Orbitvu

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is best for your business?

You’re not sure which Orbitvu solution fits your business needs best?

Take a closer look at the benefits of our automated product photography solutions

professional automated photography

Get professional results with
no additional skills


It usually takes an hour of training to get you up and running with an Orbitvu device. Pre-defined templates and easy-to-use post-production tools allow you to create high-quality content without advanced photography knowledge or experience. 

On the other hand, the functional flexibility of our devices with features such as light intensity control and better camera setup will let any professional photographer fully unleash their creativity to achieve exceptional content in various styles.

professional automated photography

Easily scale up content creation


Need to shoot more photos, create more content? Easy. Our camera, lighting, and turntable position templates, and post-production information make repeating the same shots a breeze, saving you time and effort. 

Expanding your business? Just add another Orbitvu device, paste the templates, and you’re ready to go! The shots from both devices will be exactly the same.

easy automated product photography

Keep the know-how in the company

Free your content creation from the issues associated with employee turnover or extended holiday leaves. Your product content style (camera settings, position, lighting, and post-production setup) is no longer dependent on a select few photography professionals - it’s now embedded in your devices and stays in the company forever.

Set up once, reuse forever - even when your key employee is on vacation.

Orbitvu support

We support our customers with more than just a device

Our sales team will help you choose the right solution, while our customer support makes sure you’re making the most out of it.

Trusted by

  • Seiko logo
  • Bosch logo
  • Clarks logo
  • Chanel logo
  • Mercedes-Benz logo
  • Jagermeister logo
  • Deutsche Bahn logo

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Streamline your
product photography
with Orbitvu

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is best for your business?

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